Tuesday, 8 November 2011

VOTE "A"! =D


4th of March of 1930
Rocket Avenue, 666, Alabama, United States
Dear Franklin:
My friend! I’m writing to you because I miss you and because I can’t understand all the changes that are happening to my life since me and my family came to live to the middle of Alabama. You don’t imagine how much hard had been to me to find a pencil to write.
As you may know, I used to live on an enormous 3 flour’s mansion but, because of the great depression that is affecting USA since 1929, my father had to sold it, and now we live on a tiny one floor’s house, in which me and my 3 siblings are completely uncomfortable… Unfortunately, I can’t call this my “sweet home” just because I hate it! There are only 2 rooms, one for my parents and another one to us; a little gray kitchen and, the worst thing, only 1 bathroom! It’s horrible! In “my” room there are two cabins where we sleep and nothing else… I used to have everything I wanted and I’m really sad because my life changed completely in only some few months!
Something I don’t know is why my whole life changed so fast, but there are some things that called my attention. The main one is that the people are referring to my father as a “White Trash”… I don’t know what does it mean, but probably it’s related with his job or with his money. My mom don’t want to tell my why they call him as that but I guess that he is unemployed!  I’m praying for this to be only a bad dream!
Another thing I miss a lot is to play in your home, Franklin ha, ha!  We used to spend hours and hours laughing at them and playing some amazing games, but know I lived on a place where all my neighbors are Negroes, and my parents don’t let me play and even talk with them. The house that is beside mine is worse than mine. Full of dirt outside, with one floor and the next thing I’m going to say will impact you… They don’t have beds! They sleep on the floor of their house, it’s disgusting!
Please answer this letter soon, Franklin, because there are a lot of thing I want to continue telling you. Good Bye!!

Youssef Eltit

Letter N°2

21th of July of 1930
Rocket Avenue, 666, Alabama, United States
Dear Franklin:
            Do you remember my family? They are weird. My father is unemployed and the other people called him a part of the “White Trash” that is formed by the unemployed white men. My mom stays at home with me and my 2 sibling, and I can see that she is really unhappy with her life. Everybody change in only some few months… I can’t believe it!
        I must enjoy them while I can… We are going worse every day, our money is disappearing and my parents don’t know what to do!
            Franklin, right now there is my father coming and he is crying… Unfortunately, I’m waiting the worst thing. I must go to see what’s going on. Goodbye my best friend! You can’t imagine how I miss you and all the other guys! See you soon! (I don’t think so)

                                                                                      Youssef Eltit

Letter N°3

7th of April of 1931
Rocket Avenue, 666, Alabama, United States
Dear Franklin:
            There’s a lot of time since the last time I wrote you a letter. It’s because the economic situation of my family is worse than ever!! I don’t have money to buy a pencil and even a paper, sorry Franklin.
 Well, I’m writing to you now to refer about the horrible thing that just happened about 1 week ago: My father take me out of the school in which I was here in Alabama!! They don’t have money to pay it because my dad continue unemployed, and also it’s full of Negroes that I’m sure that one day will punch me.
Please, ask your parents if they have any job for my dad! I’m really scared because he had been unemployed since more than 1 year ago…
Good bye Franklin, please answer this letter early because probably in two months I would be living on the streets…
                                                                         Youssef Eltit

Letter N°4

25th of december of 1932
Rocket Avenue, 666, Alabama, United States
Dear Franklin:
                Its Christmas time and I didn’t receive any gift. That’s for you to give an image of how’s the economic situation of my family now: HORRIBLE!
            Franklin, the economy is worse than ever, suffering an enormous depression that will probably destroy the rest of the country! And also the political situation is unbelievable: I can’t understand why my parents don’t let me play and even talk with the Negroes!!!
            Franklin, goodbye forever! I can’t continue writing this letter, I can’t continue living…

                                                                                     Youssef Eltit