Tuesday 13 March 2012

Refugee Blues

1.    A) The victims are the Jews.
B) The perpetrators are the Nazis leaded by Hitler.
C) The bystanders are the German citizens.

2.    The main factor is your race because Hitler’s idea was to create a “noble blood” in Germany and his reign, so he wanted to eliminate anyone who was not a “pure” German.

3.    The German citizens also called “The Silent Majority”, because they were the largest group but they didn’t participate or do nothing to stop this situation. This is because the repression from the Nazis.

4.    Probably the citizens helped the Jews giving them things that they needed.

5.    – They can’t renew their passport
     - In theory, they can’t live in Germany. 
       I would feel really, really, really insecure.
      The consul, the committee, the soldiers, the buildings.
      A refugee is someone who has escaped from his native country because, mainly, of political and social problems such as civil wars, world wars, etc. For example, a lot of Palestinians escaped to Chile as refugees because of the atmosphere that the war between Palestine and Israel has created on that zone. Based on my definition, someone can’t become a refugee in his own country.
      Don’t being afraid by the repression, they can create propaganda to persuade the Germans to stop discrimination.
     Yes. Also, some countries like to have refugees on their territory and to take care of them, because that makes the political relationship between the countries much better. 


  1. Hi Youssef!
    I hope you are recovered and ready to keep on working with the book and its cultural context. Hope to see you in class.
    Miss Carla

  2. Hi Youssef!
    I bought the book from Books and Bits. You may borrow one from your classmates in Christian's group (Nicolás, Eduardo, Agustín, etc) as they are not in Language and Literature any more, they will not use it in class this year.
    I know Victor scanned it!
    Miss Carla
